Hey! I was Just messing about when I realised, what if there was a way to generate a random pattern. I quickly realised you can’t make a truly random pattern (without a modded piece) so set out to try and get as close as possible. I created it with 10 bits, 23 ramps, 7 gear bits 4 crossovers and 4 gears can any one do better?
If it does not work please say
Are you willing to reveal it and the theory behind it?
Yeah sorry about that…
Here you go.
I just tried to make as many possibility’s as possible
I tried it in a javascript program with 99 red balls and 99 blue balls.
I got brrrbbrrbrbrbrbbrrrbbrbrrbbrrbbrbrrrbbrbrbrbrbbrrrbrbrbrbbrrbbrbrrrbbrrbbrrbrbbrrrbbrbrbrbrrbbrrbrrbbrbbrrbrbbrrrbrbrbrbbrrbbrrbrrbbrrbbrrbrrbbrrbbrbrbrbrrrbbrbrrbbrbbrrbrrbbrrbrbrbrbbrrrbb.
And here is the url: https://www.lodev.org/jstumble/?board=00rbl0egbgll0ebrlllgbb1lrbbg01el1r1llrr1xlelxxlerlxleer_99_99.
This is the whole output:bbbbbbbbbrrrbbrrbrbrbrbbrrrbbrbrrbbrrbbrbrrrbbrbrbrbrbbrrrbrbrbrbbrrbbrbrrrbbrrbbrrbrbbrrrbbrbrbrbrrbbrrbrrbbrbbrrbrbbrrrbrbrbrbbrrbbrrbrrbbrrbbrrbrrbbrrbbrbrbrbrrrbbrbrrbbrbbrrbrrbbrrbrbrbrbbrrrbb