Turing Tumble Community

Easy board support for 3D printing

I bought Turing Tumble Virtual Pack and noticed both board supports are rather complex to 3D print, the reason being their fancy design resembling printed circuit board. Is there an easy way to transform them to simple shapes for easier / quicker 3D print?

Did anyone already try to convert those parts and would be keen to share them? I’m absolutely new to 3D printing…

Kind regards,

Hi Marcin, i could help you send the stp files and i can split them to make easier the printing

Hi oxno,

thanks for answering and for offering to help. My idea was to edit the files somehow to replace complex shapes with just basic ones that will do the job. Unfortunately there is no possibility to buy board supports at the shop (possibly it’s just an oversight of TuringTumble).

I’d like to use your help, but am not sure, whether I’m allowed to send you the files and not violate the license. Do you have the stp-files yourself?

Kind regards,

Sorry I don’t have the stp files

Hi Marcin,
please read this, About the Make It category

i think you are allowed to share the files

Hi oxno,

thanks for the tip, I think you are right. Please find the board support files links below. I’d be very grateful for a modification which will allow to print the supports easily.

Admins: please let me know if you feel posting those files here is not OK.

Kind regards,

I see what you mean about circuit, please send me the stp files, to edit them.

Hi, please find the files below. Sorry, I thought it were the stl’s you’d need.