Turing Tumble Community

Excessively complicated 37 piece solution

It’s been a while since I pulled my set out, but I finally got around to doing so tonight. I actually remember struggling with this one a lot before putting it away and even tonight still found it was a real doozy for me… I knew what I needed to do, but didn’t real know how to accomplish it. In the end I created a solution that made an overly complicated gear bit setup rather than the crossover setup in the book that uses 6 pieces less than mine, which I feel was actually more of an accomplishment for me as I really have been struggling to grasp using them without just guessing how to utilize them. Also I used the red ball drop trigger as an interceptor since I couldn’t really figure out a way to fit one in as I essentially added 3 to B for every 1 I subtracted from A where if I tried to fit the interceptor in I couldn’t read that A was 0 and shouldn’t register anything in B. Not really sure if that’s against the rules or something, but as far as I can tell there no reason it should be. Anyways without further adu… Here’s the solution:


Ps. I’m pretty sure there’s no issues with it… I did have to change the gear bit setup on the bottom as it worked fine with only the 2 on the right until I needed to use a number higher than 4 where I had swapped in the gear bit on the left to replace a green piece I originally had there and didn’t test 1-3 as thoroughly as I did with my first setup.

Edit: I forgot to add that the setup should start with dropping a red ball