Turing Tumble Community

Missing counterweight ball


After opening our Turing Table I found that I am missing 1 counterweight ball for a green piece. Where/how may I get one?

Thank you,

Believe it or not, I came to the forum with the same question. When assembling my set for the first time this morning, we counted (and double counted) only 29 silver weight balls. Let me know if there is any way to get another! (We checked the floor thoroughly to be certain!)

Hi Brett,

Sorry about that! We’ll send you replacements. Send us a message at hello@turingtumble.com with your address and what you need and we’ll send them.


Hi Arichards,

Same as Brett - just send us a message at hello@turingtumble.com with your address and what you need and we’ll send them. Sorry about that.
