Turing Tumble Community

Puzzle 3 Blues and 3 Reds

Has anyone solved 3 blues and 3 reds sequence? I have been trying but it’s becoming challenging. Any clue would be very helpful.

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If you mean 3 blue, 3 red repeated until you run out of balls, I think the only way would be to use gear bits, in which case this would be similar to the solution for Puzzle 39 in the workbook.


Thanks. I was able to solve it after I posted it based on puzzle 32.


@TuringMe Way to go! That is a tricky one but useful for solving other puzzles.

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Very nice! Is there perhaps a way to generate this pattern with less precies?

Since you asked :wink:
(This is based on a design I posted on 2 Blue 4 Red possible)




Thank you so much! It’s so nice to challenge ourselves with all kinds of puzzles here. It is fun to do and most of the time completely analogue too :grinning:

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Here is another solution with 22 pieces. This design uses a 3-counter and a 4-counter. The trick is the last blue ball from the 3-counter is also counted by the 4-counter, so the 4-counter ends up only counting 3 red balls. Also I used crossovers to reduce the part count from 24 to 22.


My previous design used a 6-counter which also required 22 pieces. Since these solutions work very differently but require the same number of pieces, it seems like 22 pieces may be the limit for the 3 blue, 3 red, repeating pattern.

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Hi @RingTheBell, that is so very clever, love this solution. I will build it tonight, thanks again for the good job!

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Hi @RingTheBell , in the simulator it works flawless. However in real life, balls got stuck, the gears seem to “jump” so I don’t get the desired outcome, don’t know what’s the matter tonight. Maybe I should add some friction parts?

Yes, be sure to use the friction washers on the purple gear bits. Also, when I play Turing Tumble IRL, I tilt the board backward slightly to slow the balls down.

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